aditya kumar's weblog

Sports News

with 3 comments

No excuses for a month long hiatus but lots of things happening with Sports:

India’s Hockey team goes on a ‘strike’ because they are not paid their dues by Hockey India. This is how we treat those who are the best players of our National game.

And then, India’s first individual Olympic Gold Medalist says he wants to quit the game because of, none other than, the National Shooting Federation.

Is this because of our obsession with Cricket? If you ask me, I don’t think so. You can’t blame Cricket for the mismanagement and apathy towards other sports shown by Government Sports bodies.

In tennis, Sania Mirza would be quitting tennis soon. No, she is not unhappy with All India Tennis Association, as you may be guessing by now but she thinks it would be the right thing to do after marriage.

Meanwhile, The Big daddy of Marathi Manoos Inc, has issued a latest threat — Australian cricketers won’t be allowed to play in Maharashtra. How can they be allowed to play here when in Australia, Indians are being stabbed on an almost daily basis? Very considerate about Indians. What happened to this nationalism when his party ‘workers’ thrashed non-marathis on a regular basis?

So much for the sports.

Update: An updated version of the last para above has appeared in today’s edition of DNA in Bangalore. It made its way as a “Letter to the Editor” and talks about Indian Politicians approving of Violence, among a few other related topics.

Written by aditya kumar

January 16th, 2010 at 11:22 am

3 Responses to 'Sports News'

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  1. That last para – how true Truman! So now they won’t allow any world cup matches in Mumbai han? dig up the pitches again like they did in 1991 when Pakistan was to tour?
    What do we do to them – who practice rascism within the country – we spare them right? Cause it is all justified in the cause of bringing up the Marathi Manoos!!!

    Someone needs to tell them they are rubbish!


    17 Jan 10 at 10:48 am

  2. Minal! where have you been, lady?!

    I think the 1991 act was unpardonable and no one would approve of it. But these guys, it does not matter to them. They have their own propaganda and I am baffled as to how do they even win supporters with causes like these. But then again, he has been a vocal supporter of Hitler…


    17 Jan 10 at 9:01 pm

  3. Hey you are the one who keeps disappearing. I’ve got back to blogging and fairly regular at it:-)
    And it’s good to see you coming back from your hiatus

    I completely agree with you – dunno how the educated mass falls for the antics of these fanatics. Rascism is what they practice within the country and they make big talks about banning Australia. But I’m glad they were not voted and have been kept out of ruling the state.

    So maybe all this nonsense is to make their presence felt !


    18 Jan 10 at 10:22 am

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