Archive for March, 2006
Here it is, the testimonial of my travelling and some experiences during the past year and a half in Bangalore!
I must mention here, a couple of pictures have not been taken by me. I wish to thank those who have let these photos be a part of my diary of experiences. They know who they are.
It was wonderful to witness the following images ‘in real’. Capturing these pictures was a magnificent experience. Every single one of them.
Travelling through Maharashtra
The puppy in Kasauli
Out there in Andhra
Above the clouds: Mahabaleshwar
More Mahabaleshwar
The Church in Goa
The Blessing of Pondicherry!
Bullet the Blue Sky: SuryaKirans in formation: AeroIndia Bangalore 2005
Colouring the sky with the tricolor: SuryaKirans in formation: AeroIndia Bangalore 2005
Blending Colors: India versus Pakistan, March 2005, Bangalore
And the best: To have the honour of photographing the Little Master!
Travelling alone makes you think, lets you introspect yourself and in most cases gives hope. So does good literature. That is why, I think, this is a brilliant idea.
It’s because he is Human
Excerpts from this very touching article at Cricinfo. The link is all over it:
And some more:
This series has changed all that. Tendulkar has been human. And to the followers of English cricket, pretty much for the first time.
Tendulkar, caught Bell, bowled Udal. Who would have thought? But there it is, in the scorebook. Forever.
Free Speech in Blogging
There is a misconception among a lot of people about free speech. Being rude and terming it as “free speech” is common. Neither can abusive language be used and described as freedom to express. Free speech, at least to me, is the freedom to express my opinion and at the same time, it is expected that I respect the opinion of others. I may disagree, yes, but I should still respect an opinion. Free speech is the basic element of secularism. That’s what free speech is.
When exploited, this often takes a form of personal attack.
To me, a “personal attack” happens when the commenter goes completely off-topic and talks about something that is bound to offend the author, by means of personal allegations. This is often done using abusive language. There lies the difference between healthy criticism and being rude.
As a blogger, I have started to believe that there are always people who do not like what you say and are often against the stands taken. There is nothing wrong in that. But there are a few of them who are so obsessed about their own point of view that they start making personal attacks to prove their point and some even land in your inbox. That will remain. As a blogger, there is nothing much I can do about them.
Most people, readers and writers included, do not take blogging seriously. Some do. If you happen to be one of those who takes it seriously, my advice to you is this — Be prepared to take criticism in your stride as well. When I say “criticism”, I mean criticism of things that you do not like to be talked negatively about. If you don’t, you are the kind of person I would like to stay away from.
If you happen to be one of those who don’t take all this so seriously, my advice is — Listen to U2 and Chill ;)
Like many other blog authors, I may not talk about all the pleasant things in life or use this medium to discuss my favourite colour. It is only a matter of time that you may disagree with one thing or the other I talk about. When that happens, dear Reader, treat it as my opinion and bear with it. Why? Because I bear with and respect, yours.
And there are, of course, ways to convey your displeasure without being rude and nasty.
Somethings should be clear
This is in reply to a hate comment that I received.
Let me make this clear: On this website, I shall write what I want, when I want. If you have a problem with that, go away. I must remind you that you do not have to read this weblog if you do not subscribe to the opinions expressed here.
Also, it will not help matters, leaving hate comments and baseless criticism. Either I will delete your comment or if I decide to keep it, it will stay so for the readers should know your sick state of mind. Either way, you will end up making a mockery of yourself. Other than this, I cannot guarantee any special treatment.
My employer (if any, that is) has nothing to do with this website. Dragging my work, my vocation, my employer (or like in this case, my relatives!) adds a dash of uselessness to your comment(s).
Visitors are tracked hard and hate-commentors are tracked harder. So more often than not, I have an idea who you are, where you are. Be it Nepal, Sri Lanka, Amsterdam or UK, it’s not a big deal to find out all that information. Really.
Comments will be moderated for some time.
Dirty Cricket, this.
Inspired, yes, Inspired is the word that always comes in handy when people have to imitate something. The idea of the Million Dollar Home page has been ‘inspiring’ and we now have a Crorepatipage. Even the website design has been ripped off! Where has all the originality gone?