aditya kumar's weblog

Archive for January, 2012

True to some instincts

without comments

I am trying a balancing act.

Back in 2003 when I used to write more often and rant endlessly on my blog there were more readers than what I have now. Then some things changed, I started writing less frequently although I felt that the quality of my writing improved and as writers do, I evolved to another level. In layman’s terms, I paid the price what Chetan Bhagat would if he tried to pull off an Amitav Ghosh (Nah, I am not suggesting that he’d be able to do that — he just can’t).

Now it has come to a point, where I do not feel inclined to write something here until it is “publishing material”. Or some writing that leaves me immensely satisfied as a (part-time) writer.

I am feeling free to be judgemental on myself, so here goes: I feel that is wrong.

Obviously, it is not necessary that every new post or piece of writing be superior in quality than the last. Somewhere I got stuck in that loop. As an aspiring writer shocasing his work on his blog, somewhere I started expecting my every new article to be better than the last. For a blogger, these things don’t do really much good. Once you fall in that iteration, your possibility of coming back to your natural self of writing becomes fainter in ever cycle.

Somewhere, it needs to balance out. Somewhere, as a budding writer and as an experienced blogger, you need to keep the urge of improving your writing while at the same time be true to your blogger senses.

For someone like me, it is important to be true to your blogger instincts because those are what bought me this far.

I am hoping meanwhile for the few readers to comment more often while I try to write more!

Written by aditya kumar

January 18th, 2012 at 9:47 pm

Posted in Personal