aditya kumar's weblog

The Big Blues

with 5 comments

To move from one of the many small/medium organizations to one of the biggest Information Technology recruiters in the world is quite a transition. The problem I am facing is not of following the new rules and procedures that creep into the small things (that we take for granted while we work in a small company) but of facing the human sea that overwhelms me every day, every minute I spend my time there.

According to one estimate, there are 6000 people that work in the 4 blocks of my office. So when I take the lift (call it elevator, if you may) everyday, the probability of someone who has been in the lift with me before is largely diminished. And it shall remain so until I have spent some time there. Coupled with the fact that there are new faces coming in three times a week, the point of my time spent there’d barely make a difference.

So it does not matter how long have you been in the organization. You could be a week old, a month old or a decade old working here and still walking around as if this is your first day. 95 of the 100 people you walk across everyday won’t even notice you. Chances of looking at a person and making a mental note like “Oh, I see her around everyday” are remote unless you happen to be working in the same project/application etc (in case that happens you’d need a slap on your back because since she works with you, in the same department, you ought to know her).

So you, kind of, start feeling alone in this whole sea of human beings. There is no connection, apart from, of course, that all are working for the same company. That does not matter much, I dare say, because its not a big deal. Everyone is.

Of the thousands of cubicles that you see, one of them is yours. Of the thousands that park their vehicle everyday in the parking lobby, one of them is yours. And You realize that you’ve become, and how, a part of the system.

Rationally speaking, one shouldn’t be concerned with all this, simply because thats the way things happen all over the world. There is absolutely no other way of accomplishing the goals that world class companies chalk out for themselves. It’s raw manpower that drives the system (notice how ironical it seems, to use the word ‘system’ again, compared to the usage of the same word in the last paragraph). No number of machines, tools, hardware or software can replace the effect a bunch of minds, working together, can create).

Maybe one day I’ll be able to recognize faces in the elevator (or call it lift, if you may) and better still, someday people would know people three cubicles apart but for now, I appear lost and trust me, many, just like me, are.

Written by aditya kumar

May 20th, 2007 at 8:24 pm

Posted in Bangalore,Personal

5 Responses to 'The Big Blues'

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  1. Congrats, Aditya!… I can relate to some of the points you raise. Big companies and small ones have their own unique characteristics. Some people find it quite difficult to adjust. I guess it’s a matter of time… Wish you the very best!!!


    21 May 07 at 10:22 am

  2. Looks like u had quit the job.. (which I am waiting for) and is now in a big company.. ya its true that u may feel alone at times.. but trust me.. with time u will win friends.. mayeeb few.. and you wont notice u r alone..
    its doesn’t matter whether u know all or none in the elevator (or call it lift, if you may).. if u get used to the new place and a few handful of friends. Well ALL THE BEST.


    21 May 07 at 5:35 pm

  3. Can you please get me a job there?


    22 May 07 at 9:22 am

  4. Truman,

    I work in IT too, and sometime it gives me a feeling that we are part of matrix, and our lives are controled by the corporate heads. Each day in our life is so much planned and executed with finesse. We never realize that we have not only become slave to system, but in the rat race, of money, project, onsite and promotions, we have lost our identities.

    We are resoruces of this gigantic IT world, our salary is cost, and our work is their product. We call half the companies body shoppers, placement constultants are head hunders. We are no more then machines who can produce software and keep the assembly line filled all the time.

    This is illution, but I will not be surprised if the world in which we are living is an illusion.



    1 Jun 07 at 4:05 pm

  5. [ken] your comment is striking. I have to say, I couldn’t agree with you more on this. It is EXACTLY what I have been thinking. In fact, I’d say this is not just the scenario in the IT industry — Its there in most of the other sectors. And this trend is common in the western world — it’s just that we are experiencing it now. And we’ll experience this more than them because we are into the system more than them. We work late on friday evenings, we work on weekends. And no, don’t try to resist this, for if you don’t bow to it, someone in China would!

    [Beena, Pradeep] Thanks for your wishes! Beena, I already have some pals there now.

    [Seru] Hey ol’chap. Email me your resume and we will see.


    3 Jun 07 at 1:43 am

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