Here it is, the testimonial of my travelling and some experiences during the past year and a half in Bangalore!
I must mention here, a couple of pictures have not been taken by me. I wish to thank those who have let these photos be a part of my diary of experiences. They know who they are.
It was wonderful to witness the following images ‘in real’. Capturing these pictures was a magnificent experience. Every single one of them.
Travelling through Maharashtra
The puppy in Kasauli
Out there in Andhra
Above the clouds: Mahabaleshwar
More Mahabaleshwar
The Church in Goa
The Blessing of Pondicherry!
Bullet the Blue Sky: SuryaKirans in formation: AeroIndia Bangalore 2005
Colouring the sky with the tricolor: SuryaKirans in formation: AeroIndia Bangalore 2005
Blending Colors: India versus Pakistan, March 2005, Bangalore
And the best: To have the honour of photographing the Little Master!
9 Responses to 'PhotoBlogging'
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Hey beautiful photos :)
I too have photographed the Little master :D
29 Mar 06 at 12:52 pm
Lovely photos!
I was at the Air show too!!! :)
29 Mar 06 at 1:47 pm
Beautiful pictures ! Esp the church in goa is a magnificiant one !
29 Mar 06 at 6:15 pm
Amazing snaps ! The first, fourth and fifth impress me the most. Are these all taken by normal digicams, or some hi-fi SLRs ?
Amit Ghosh
29 Mar 06 at 8:30 pm
Two Thumbs up mate!
29 Mar 06 at 9:20 pm
[Amit] This may come as a surprise to you, half of these pictures have not been taken by a digicam at all. A normal, click and shoot Kodak Camera, thats it. I think the analog cameras, even the click and shoot ones, do a pretty decent job. If you shoot with one of those cameras and intend to publish your photos in digital format, you have to keep two things in mind — 1) Always use the 400 film and 2)Never scan it. Instead ask the developer to directly make the digital print. It works for me!
And the ones that have been taken by the digicams, are taken by ‘normal’ digicams. No hi-fi stuff here :P
[All} Thanks! Oh and I am in Goa at present.. there’s a good chance I shall be there for the India-England ODI too!
30 Mar 06 at 8:54 pm
Nice pics, is there a dateline with the pics?
1 Apr 06 at 4:00 am
Awesome Pictures,it shows a magnificiant aspect of India to us,thanks~~“
2 Apr 06 at 9:01 am
Yeah, it’s one of those days .Her name was Kaitlyn Mackenize Kaitlyn McKenzie was intended, but my rraetd ex-wife spelled it wrong on the birth certificate while I was stuck in that god-forsaken desert(money doesn’t buy intellect), so she wound up with a unique name. We planned to change it, but she died before we got the chance.She was 3 yrs, 1 mo, and 27 days. She saved me, from me.She would be turning 12 on 19JUL10. I miss you Kaity-lady
4 May 14 at 12:14 pm