aditya kumar's weblog

Long impending

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Since I have been spending 15 hour days (or nights) at office for the past month, it was, sort of, impending I post at an unearthly hour and that too from my office. It was sort of impending, that I write about my personal experiences lately — something that I usually do not like to but then again, my “intellectual curiosity” and everything else that makes me think (…think some more and then write) has lately been thrown out of the window. So here I am now, 2 AM, on my work desk at office, waiting for the cab to arrive while I listen to U2’s “Even better than the real thing” and write these, mostly and quite literally, senseless words.

Oh well, just when I had thought I will blabber on, my cab has saved you from the rhetoric.

This has been, again, impending.

Written by aditya kumar

October 25th, 2008 at 1:54 am

Posted in Personal

One Response to 'Long impending'

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  1. OMG! thats ghastly…
    who do you do all this bonded labour for?


    25 Oct 08 at 10:30 pm

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