aditya kumar's weblog


with 3 comments

I am Aditya Kumar. Presently I live in Sydney, Australia. For 12 years (2004-2016), I was living in Bangalore, India.

I like to think of myself mostly as a programmer because coding puts the bread on my table. Though I find myself writing, from time to time.

Although I started this as a personal blog, back in 2003, I evolved to writing on more serious issues than personal rants. Though posts sometimes can be of personal nature, this is more of a social blog, something that is a platform for me (and the readers) to convey what they feel about the social system and the society we live in. Of course, this is not to say that I write only on serious issues. Or issues, for that matter.

I have done some serious part time writing too. My writings have been published in The Caravan (which is a matter of pride to me), Tehelka, DNA and more recently, The Indian Express. I was also featured in PRI’s the world (, for the BBC, a couple of times.

I have earlier contributed to For more than two years, this blog was providing a feed to as a part of their India blogs section.

Since I do not write full time, the frequency of my posts remains varied.

If you want to reach me, please email me at adityeah [at] outlook [dot] com.

Feedback is always welcome as long as it is in good spirit and does not leave a bitter taste. In short, abusive comments and emails will invariably find their way to deletion.

Written by aditya kumar

August 9th, 2009 at 1:44 am

Posted in

3 Responses to 'About'

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  1. Hi, I am looking to advertise by buying a link on the sidebar of your homepage. My site is related to Indian Shopping. Please let me know if you are interested and how much you would charge.



    14 Feb 11 at 1:02 pm

  2. Truman??? I FINALLY found you! Or have I?


    31 Mar 11 at 6:48 pm

  3. Hi Aditya Tried sending an email to ak[at]adityeah[dot]com, but it bounced back. Whats your correct email id??


    22 Jul 11 at 1:02 pm

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